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My soul mate turns nineteen today. I met her in a small, dirty, smelly animal shelter and knew instantaneously I needed her in my life. I was turning 20 and this tiny four and a half week old kitten seemed like she was meant to be. 

I must have taken 20 rolls of photographs of my new baby. I hated leaving her to go to work or school and I poured my love in to her. At twenty years old, she was my first true love. Now, half my life later she is still the love of my life. 

I am starting this blog to share the stories of a few of the cats that come into my care, whether for a lifetime or just briefly. Every cat is an individual and I hope their stories inspire you. 



  1. We are delighted to meet you, Jennifer. We just hopped over from Katie, Faraday and Maxwell's pad after reading about Harriet. How fortunate to have your own kitty for 19 years. Our oldest of the current crew is 18. What is your kitty's name? We wish her a very happy birthday and look forward to reading more from you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  2. Nice to meet you Jennifer! Visiting you from Katie/Faraday and Max's blog to read more about Harriet and just to say hello. How lovely that your cat is having her 19th birthday today. We had to say goodbye to our dear Sammy JUST before he would have turned 17 this past January so we say "lucky you" to have your kitty with you still - hope for a long time to come. Harriet's story really makes us stop to think about blindness and how frightening it would be to have people poking around your "personal space" without proper introductions or without taking it slow and easy until there's a trust and a routine. Nice to meet you!

    Pam and Teddy

  3. Welcome from me, Marjorie, and the Dash Kitten crew, who are in New Zealand. Allie sent us to say hello and we hope to keep in touch. Will you join the Sunday Selfie with ? They are a lovely bunch (I see Kitties Blue has commented already!) It's so much fun to see a new cat blog so WELCOME!!!!! Remember there are LOTS of places to ask questions and learn stuff (like so never be afraid to ask folks stuff.

  4. Some cats just know us ... they fit us perfectly and in ways we could never predict ... they make our hearts whole - and that kind of love never ends. Bear Cat is my heart cat - he's changed how I approach life ... he's made me a better person ... and taught me how to love. Anyway, my point is that you're in good company :)

  5. Hello from Erin, in the UK, lovely to meet you. I hope to see you around the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, which is a WONDERFUL place to be and share, hosted by The Kitties Blue, from the Cat on My Head blog. Happy Birthday to you soul mate.
    Purrs, ERin

  6. Nineteen!! Impressive. Although, there is never enough time with a good cat, is there?

  7. We heard from Lisa R. that your heart kitty, Rhiannon, has made her final journey to the Rainbow Bridge. We are very sorry. Thank you for loving Rhiannon so much, and so well for all these years. Sending gentle thoughts, and comforting purrs and prayers.

  8. Thank you everyone! The kitty in this blog is Libby. She and I are making it through the first day with Rhiannon. Thank you for you kind thoughts and I cannot wait to join more blog pages!


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